Simply Pink Arrangement contains White Daisies, Soft Pink Roses with a Touch of Purple
White daisies and soft pink roses accented with a touch of purple are gathered in a square vase and tied with a raffia bow to complete the look. This simple but elegant display is a great way to send your warm wishes to a lucky recipient.
White daisies and soft pink roses accented with a touch of purple are gathered in a square vase and tied with a raffia bow to complete the look. This simple but elegant display is a great way to send your warm wishes to a lucky recipient.
What People Are Saying
Ordered tulips for my friends birthday. I called and asked to pack them in paper, which they did. The lady I spoke with was great and accommodating!
I had them delivered and they chose a pretty vase. All in all with delivery $80
Their easy to use website ordering system made it so simple to get my valentines day flowers in a pinch on the day of. The arrangement was very nice and pick up was quick. Top notch stuff.
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